Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nike fuel band review

The Nike fuel band is a basic band that tracks calories burned, steps taken and fuel points. whatever the hell that is. After wearing it for a few months I began to feel more and more that this band was point less. I couldn't believe that I spent 150 on this pointless little thing. Not only did it begin to break down after 6 months but it broke within the first year. Now I do respect Nike because they replaced it with little to no waste of time on my part. But I got the new one and it was the same exact crappy product. I then took action and sold it on the internet to get money for a different tracker. I bought the fit bit force and will have a review on it coming soon.

Columbus Running Club

running clubs are the new way to train. and with so many of them it is hard to find one for you. I was in this situation a few weeks ago. I was trying to find a running club to amp up my training and improve my speed and performance. I did some research and found one that seemed right for me called the Columbus running club. I emailed the owner and bam he replied within the next hour saying that I was in. the way that it worked was I just looked for a run around me then R.S.V.P for it and just showed up where it said and ran with really nice and supportive people. joining this club has improved my running and helped me to meet really nice new people. I would recommend it to anyone. 

Columbus Running Club