Monday, October 7, 2013

4 factors that conribute to running injurys

the first factor is your running shoes. don't go for those cheap shoes you found at target, using cheap running shoes could permanently injure your feet and knees. so a good tip is to go to a local running store, they will evaluate your running style to see what shoe is right for you. the second factor is the way you run, this could effect your legs more than you think. if the Pearson next to you can hear your feet hitting the ground then you are doing something wrong. I recommend running on your toes to help prevent your knees from getting injured. the third factor is longer distance running. if you run with say a really bad shine splint then you could get something called a overuse injury which is when you use a body part for to long of a time. the last factor is to be careful when doing fast short distance running, this is important because running fast for a short period of time is much harder on your body. so follow these simple factors and you will increase your chances of not getting injured.

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